19 Classic Pre-Wedding Photos with Bali Photographer at Pasut Beach

bali photographer

Bali photographer again shows his best photos through this article. This photo is a pre-wedding photo from one of the Bali photographer’s clients.

This pre-wedding photo might look interesting for those of you who love classic things, because the concept used by the client is a natural theme combined with a classic theme.

The classic pre-wedding theme is one of the most popular themes among couples because it can give a simple but elegant impression.

For classic property, such as cars or motorbikes, you can find classic car and motorbike rental places in Bali at quite affordable prices.

The combination of the natural beauty of the island of Bali and the classic car properties used by the couple Levi and Vania really looks ‘right’. Especially with the casual clothes they wear.

If you take a quick look, perhaps the photos from this Bali photographer don’t look like formal pre-wedding photos, but rather like casual photo shoots in general.

However, that is one of the advantages that you can get when doing a pre-wedding with a Bali photographer, namely that you can take relaxed and elegant pre-wedding photos while on holiday without having to be burdened with formal pre-wedding concepts.

And as for the photo results, you can judge for yourself by looking at the photos from Bali photographers that the author has summarized in every article on this website.

Glimpse of information from Bali Photographer about Pasut Beach

Before seeing the photos from the Bali photographer, it would be better if you got information about the pre-wedding location chosen by the couple Levi and Vania, namely Pasut Beach, Tabanan, Bali.

This beach, which has its own charm, is often the topic of conversation for many tourists. Not because of its ugliness, but because of its beauty that captivates the heart.

Like the black sand, this is quite different from the beaches on the island of Bali which are generally white.

Not only taking pre-wedding photos, activities such as sunbathing, playing in the sand, or sports. Many tourists who have come to this beach enjoy playing beach volleyball or beach soccer.

Another attraction at this beach is that you can do snorkeling activities accompanied by professional instructors. By snorkeling, you can enjoy the underwater beauty of Pasut Beach.

Apart from that, another attraction of Pasut Beach is the calm waves. So it will make anyone feel safe if they play at this location.

The beauty of the twilight in this coastal area cannot be separated from the beauty of the stunning sunset. The orange sky makes the atmosphere on this beach even more beautiful and natural.

So sitting relaxed on the beach while enjoying the beauty of the sunset in this beach area is something you should do.

Again, in the afternoon you will find a quite unique photo spot. So, Bali photographer advises you photographers, don’t forget to aim for the view when dusk falls on Pasut Tabanan Beach, OK?

It’s not just the beautiful sunset or twilight that you can get on this beach. Because you can also see this beach area being used as a drag bike arena.

Because drag cycling itself can not only be done on paved roads, but also on sand. Many racers want to try this sandy and slippery arena as a racing arena. If you are lucky, you can see the race directly.

For those of you who are interested in coming to this beach, the location is on Jalan Raya Pasut, Tibubiu, Kec. Kerambitan, Tabanan Regency, Bali.

This beach is open 24 hours every day, but the best time to visit is in the morning or evening when the weather is not too hot and the atmosphere is not too crowded.

Very interesting, right? Bali photographers guarantee that you won’t regret it if you choose Pasut Beach as your pre-wedding location if you want to.

So, before the author shows the work of Bali photographers, do you know why pre-wedding sessions are important for couples who are getting married?

Because marriage is a special moment in the life of every couple. As preparation for the sacred union, prewedding has become an increasingly popular trend among prospective brides and grooms. 

In a pre-wedding, the bride and groom have the opportunity to make unforgettable memories before entering a new chapter of their married life.

Quoted from Media Indonesia, according to Novotel Tangerang Director of Sales Rainti Ayu, pre-wedding offers various invaluable benefits for prospective bride and groom couples. Among them:

  • Creating unforgettable memories, Prewedding provides the opportunity for the bride and groom to create memories together before the wedding day. When couples enjoy moments together, they can celebrate their love and togetherness in a special way.
  • Strengthening relationships, The pre-wedding preparation process is often an important moment for couples. They learn to work together, plan and complete tasks together, which in turn strengthens their relationship.
  • Allows adjustments to the camera, For many people, pre-wedding is an opportunity to get used to posing in front of the camera. This helps them feel more comfortable and relaxed when capturing special moments on their wedding day.

So, those are the benefits of having a pre-wedding photo session that you need to know and try not to miss this session, okay?

To choose a pre-wedding theme, you can adjust it to your favorite thing or if you are confused, you can consult with the photographer about an interesting pre-wedding theme.

The choice of pre-wedding theme should be based on the harmony and preferences of the couple, so that the photos can depict their love story and uniqueness.

For example, like this couple, Levi and Vania, who chose to use a classic theme combined with nature with the help of classic car property which they can get by renting.

This classic car adds an aesthetic and attractive impression to their pre-wedding photos, so that it is not monotonous with just a beach background or natural beauty.

Below, the author presents 19 classic pre-wedding photos at Pasut Beach, the work of Bali photographers.

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So, of the 19 photos above, which do you think is the most interesting and aesthetic? You can write your opinion in the comments column of this article.

According to the author, the most interesting photos are in the last two photos, the two photos are a perfect combination of the silhouette of the sun and the charming sunset, coupled with a photo style that looks elegant.

We hope that the photos created by this Bali photographer can be an inspiration for those of you who are going to have a pre-wedding photo session or holiday photos with your partner or friends.


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